Saturday, May 18, 2024
HomeHealth & Wellnessicd 10 Left Shoulder Pain 

icd 10 Left Shoulder Pain 

Shoulder pain can be a distressing condition that significantly impacts daily life. A crucial aspect of addressing and managing shoulder pain is using medical codes, particularly those found in The system used to classify diseases internationally, called the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). This informative article will delve into ICD-10 codes related to left shoulder pain, exploring the causes, symptoms, and available treatment options for this ailment.

Understanding Left Shoulder Pain

Left shoulder pain is discomfort or pain experienced in the left shoulder region. The intensity of pain can differ, and it might be coupled with different sensations such as soreness, stiffness, sharpness, or a dull ache. It’s essential to grasp that various factors, such as injuries, medical conditions, and lifestyle choices, can be the underlying causes of left shoulder pain. Recognizing the root cause is pivotal in deciding the proper course of treatment and care.

Common Causes of Left Shoulder Pain

Left shoulder pain can stem from various underlying causes, and understanding these causes is critical for accurate ICD-10 code documentation. Some prevalent causes of left shoulder pain include:

1. Rotator Cuff Injuries (ICD-10: M75.1)

The shoulder joint stability relies on several muscles and tendons, known as the rotator cuff. Left shoulder pain can occur due to rotator cuff injuries, typically from repetitive movements, trauma, or excessive strain. Properly documenting a rotator cuff injury with the correct ICD-10 code, such as M75.1, is essential for accurate medical records.

2. Frozen Shoulder (ICD-10: M75.0)

Adhesive capsulitis, commonly known as frozen shoulder, can cause significant pain and restricted movement in the left shoulder. This condition is characterized by inflammation and thickening of the shoulder joint capsule. Assigning the appropriate ICD-10 code, M75.0 ensures accurate tracking and billing for this condition.

3. Tendinitis (ICD-10: M75.3)

Tendinitis, inflammation of the tendons, can affect the tendons in the left shoulder, leading to pain and discomfort. Overuse, ageing, and specific medical conditions can contribute to the development of tendinitis—accurate coding with ICD-10, such as M75.3, aids in proper medical documentation.

ICD-10 Code for Left Shoulder Pain

The ICD-10 code used to diagnose left shoulder pain is M25.512. This code is essential for diagnosis and reimbursement and became effective on October 1, 2022.

 It’s important to note that international versions of ICD-10 M25.512 may differ.

Symptoms of Left Shoulder Pain

Symptoms of left shoulder pain can vary depending on the underlying cause. Common symptoms include:

  • Dull Ache: Many individuals experience a persistent dull ache in the left shoulder, which may worsen with movement.
  • Limited Range of Motion: Patients may find it challenging to move the left arm freely, especially when attempting to lift objects or reach behind the back.
  • Pain at Rest: Some people may experience shoulder pain even at rest, particularly during sleep.
  • Weakness: Weakness in the left shoulder or arm can indicate an underlying issue.

Diagnosing Left Shoulder Pain

Precise diagnosis is vital for successful treatment and accurate ICD-10 coding. Healthcare experts utilize a blend of clinical evaluations, imaging examinations, and patient medical histories to pinpoint the root cause of left shoulder pain. Common diagnostic approaches encompass:

Imaging Studies and ICD-10 Codes

  1. X-rays (ICD-10: Z12.820): X-rays of the left shoulder can reveal bone abnormalities, fractures, or degenerative changes. These images aid in diagnosing conditions such as arthritis or fractures, necessitating the appropriate ICD-10 code, such as Z12.820.
  2. MRI (ICD-10: Z12.821): Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provides detailed images of soft tissues in the shoulder, making it valuable for identifying issues like rotator cuff tears or ligament injuries. Utilizing the correct ICD-10 code, such as Z12.821, ensures accurate documentation of findings.
  3. Ultrasound (ICD-10: Z12.822): Ultrasound is often employed to assess soft tissue injuries, such as tendinitis or bursitis in the left shoulder. Assigning the appropriate ICD-10 code, such as Z12.822, ensures accurate reporting of ultrasound results.

Treating Left Shoulder Pain

Effective treatment of left shoulder pain depends on the underlying cause. Proper ICD-10 coding is crucial for tracking treatment outcomes and facilitating communication among healthcare providers. Treatment options may include:

ICD-10 Codes for Common Treatment Methods

  1. Physical Therapy (ICD-10: Z51.89): Physical therapy is a common approach for treating left shoulder pain, especially in cases of muscle or joint-related issues. ICD-10 code Z51.89 can be used to indicate the specific therapy provided.
  2. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) (ICD-10: M02.2): NSAIDs are often prescribed to manage pain and inflammation in the left shoulder. Proper coding, such as M02.2, helps track medication usage and its impact on the patient’s condition.
  3. Surgical Intervention (ICD-10: Z98.89): In cases where conservative treatments are ineffective, surgical procedures may be necessary. ICD-10 code Z98.89 can be used to document the surgical intervention performed.


Left shoulder pain can stem from a wide range of causes, from minor muscle strains to more severe injuries or underlying medical issues. If you find yourself grappling with persistent or severe left shoulder pain, seeking the expertise of a healthcare professional is essential. They can conduct a comprehensive assessment and suggest the appropriate treatment to alleviate your discomfort and improve the overall health of your shoulder.


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